Thank you for ordering at Metamorphose.
We would like to inform you of the expected arrival dates for the Antique Bouquet series.
Online and Rakuten Store : around noon (12 p.m.) on March 14th (Fri) (JST)
In-Store : opening time on March 15th (Sat)
*We have now contacted all customers on the waiting list who have products available.
*We are not currently accepting requests to be added to the waiting list.
*Only some products will be sold, not all products.
*As we will not restock any products that have sold out due to reservations or waiting lists, there may be some items, colors, and sizes that are not available.
*Availability varies by store.
*Due to products with limited quantities available, some products, colors, and sizes may not be in stock at some stores.
*We cannot provide information about products, colors, sizes, etc. before the start of sales.
Don't miss your chance to get the Antique Bouquet series!
We look forward to your order♪
»Coming Soon....♪Order Online♪