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☆New Arrival☆"Lacy Ribbon Clips (set of 2)" has arrived



"Lacy Ribbon Clips (set of 2)" has arrived♡




Ribbon clip with sheer lace is a set of 2 with a moderate size ♪
Not to mention the pigtails, you can put the clip double on the side,
or put the clip on other hair accessories, it is definitely excellent item
that makes coordination even more cute ♡

Don't miss it♪


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Lacy Ribbon Clips (set of 2)




»Order Online♪



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@metamorphose (@metamorphosetempsdefille)

日本のロリィタブランド メタモルフォーゼ公式アカウントです♪
Metamorphose temps de fille is a Lolita Fashion Brand in Japan. Please share your photo with #mtdf !

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