We ship internationally!
Purchase at storesWe ship internationally ! "Metamorphose" is a brand for Lolita who seeks her own Lolita fashion regardless of genre.
Return shipping cost: 9,474 JPY (75.84 EUR)
Re-shipping cost: 4,400 JPY
*Please put one of the options, "A. Cancel the order" or "B. Re-ship the order", to a shopping cart and make a payment.
Due Date: 10:00 a.m. on October 8th, 2021 (JST)
*If we do not hear anything from you, the dress of your order#1547-18663 will be cancelled automatically.
A. Cancel the order (return shipping cost)
B. Re-ship the order (return and re-shipping cost)
@metamorphose (@metamorphosetempsdefille)
日本のロリィタブランド メタモルフォーゼ公式アカウントです♪
Metamorphose temps de fille is a Lolita Fashion Brand in Japan. Please share your photo with #mtdf !
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